We live in a complicated and difficult world. We all face difficulties. Some are public and some private. We have decided to undertake a concerted spiritual effort with the hope and prayer that we can, as a family, petition the Lord to help us.
To facilitate this Family Fast we have created an editable spreadsheet in Google Documents in which everyone who would like to participate can sign up for one day to fast, between July 1 - Oct 2 (the Sunday of General Conference). Your fasting time period may be for as long or as short as is reasonable for you. The Bill and Velma Stacey family is ever-growing. To help keep track of names and faces, we've tried to provide current photos of all our family members. They can be found by clicking on the tabs located just under the header of this blog.
The unique power derived from a fast like this is due to the combination of coordinated, consistent fasting by a member of the family somewhere each day AND the combined faith and prayers of the rest of the family members who regularly mention the fast in their personal and family prayers and temple worship.
The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for family members to post about experiences, blessings, and miracles that occur during the 3-month Fast, helping us share the power of this experience with each other though we live far apart. Feel free to post directly here OR email your experiences to Jessica (jessicaageorge@gmail.com) or Emily (meepmeep63@yahoo.com) who can post them for you if you aren't super-comfortable with blogging.
--Yvonne, Janet, Ann (and a little bit of Jessica George & Emily Peterson)