Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From Emily Stacey

I completed my day for the Stacey family fast today. When we first heard about the fast and what the dates were going to be, the first thing that I thought was, "What a blessing. God will hear our prayers." You see, the fast began right when Steve was leaving for 12 weeks to do out rotations, interview for residency sites, and I would be spending the majority of that time alone with two kids. I was terrified and I really needed the extra help from the Lord.

It has been hard being alone, but there have been blessings. Right when Steve left, Ivan decided that was a good time to stop sleeping well at night. There were times when I was so exhausted that I just sat and cried in the middle of the night when he wouldn't go back to sleep. I didn't know how I would make it through the day without the hope of relief from another adult. Sometimes I felt sorry for myself, frustrated, impatient, angry and alone. I thought, "I didn't sign up for this! Who wants to be a single mom? I can't do this anymore!" But, there was always a little spot of hope in my heart. I always knew that I could say a prayer of hope and that things would get better. Of course there were days that were happy too; playgroups, park picnics, just playing outside on the swing set, building sand castles, playing Mickey Mouse etc. I think this strength came from the prayers and fasts of the family.

This is an important time of decisions in our life. Steve is interviewing for positions in a competitive specialty. There are times when we've both felt uncertain about how it will all turn out. But then peace comes to us; sometimes it's something that one of us says, or just a feeling that comes into our hearts and we are able to reassure one another that it will all work out the way that it's supposed to.

Thank you. All of you. For your prayers and your fasts. I only hope that my fast (even though I had to drink water as I am breastfeeding), will give you the strength, hope and faith that you need in your lives.

Emily Stacey

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